How to Virtually Guarantee You'll Win the LotteryForget today's Powerball drawing. Head over to your library or neighborhood bookstore instead.

ByBrandon Turner

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Julie Clopper |

Want to win the multi-state Powerball? Or your own state's lottery?

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Want to become financially free? Say "no" to any boss? Do what you want, when you want, how you want?

Because, here's the thing:You really can.I've done it, and thousands more have done it, too.

The "how" springs from the fact that you and I live in a free society with virtually unlimited choices, unlimited paths and unlimited potential. We live in an era of prosperity never before seen on this planet, despite what certain cable networks and politicians say. You can make as much money as you would ever want to and live a life that 99 percent of human beings throughout history would havekilledto have.

And, then, when you have all that money, you can travel the world, feed the hungry, buy a Tesla or accomplish whatever else your dreams look like.

It's yours for the taking!The winning lottery ticket is in your hand! You truly can win!

Now, of course,you probably won't. But that's not because someone didn't pick your number, someone didn't choose you. But the reason isn't that you aren't lucky. In fact, you are unbelievably lucky to have been born at a time when anything is possible! So, in a way, you've already won the lottery. You may merely have failed to cash-in the ticket for your reward.

Why? Because:

  • It's easier to buy a lottery ticket than read a solid business book.
  • 很容易把你的希望成6个随机numbers than into the nights and weekends it takes to truly win.
  • It's easier to blame your lack of success on bad luck than to read and take action on a blog post, create and sell a product, write and sell a book, buy and manage a rental property or in some other way work toward your dream.

A 100 percent chance of winning?

The chance of winning the Poweball is, what? 1 in 292,000,000?

But the chance of winning the wealth game through intentional planning? It's1 in 1That's right: 1 in 1. 100 percent. As in, "guaranteed." Youwillsucceed if you truly want it.

我不在乎你没有现金。我不care if you don't have the knowledge. I don't care if you're a Democrat, Republican, black, white, purple or blue. Youwillwin the lottery if you truly want it,andtake the steps necessary to claim your winnings.

No one has to pick you. You already have the winning ticket. It's you.

Of course I'm not saying, "Don't buy a lottery ticket." If that's what floats your boat, then buy one. Have a blast. I'm sure your donation will help support some great government program.

But don't, for one second, believe that someone else holds the key to your financial freedom.Youhold that ticket, and only you can redeem it. In the words of Jim Rohn, "You can't hire someone else to do your push-ups for you."

Related:The One Thing You Have to Do to Win or You've Lost Already

Is winning easy?

Now, I'm not saying winning is easy. Nor is it quick. It might take years of testing and trying, flailing and failing, sleepless nights and self-control. But, honestly, what do you have to lose?

So, instead of putting your hope (and money) into a six-digit number, try this instead: Pick up the following books and read them twice. I promise you: Your life will never be the same afterward:

If you don't have the money, get it from . . . the library. If you don't like reading, listen to the audiobook while you drive to work, shower, walk the dog or whatever. And, if you don't like listening, go get your lottery ticket -- cause it's the only hope you have.

For everyone else, it's time to claim your winnings. Because, congratulations: You just won the lottery.

Related:It's Time for the Private Sector to Break States' Stranglehold on Lotteries

Brandon Turner

Real Estate Investor and Co-host of the BiggerPockets Podcast!

Brandon Turner is a real estate entrepreneur and the VP of Growth at, one of the web’s largest real estate investing communities. He is also the author ofThe Book on Rental Property Investing,The Book on Investing in Real Estate with No (and Low) Money Downand several other books. Buying his first home at the age of 21, Turner quickly grew his real estate portfolio to over 40 units using a variety of creative finance methods. He and his wife Heather live in Grays Harbor, Wash.

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