Buisness Motivation


What Self-Made Millionaires Do Differently (And How You Can Do Them Too)

There is an inherent desire that drives people to want to succeed. Without this, it is a sure-fire way for an individual to not execute tasks to their full capacity.

Growth Strategies

Hope, Optimism and Resiliency: The Three Most Powerful Leadership Tools You Can Have As An Entrepreneur

A study of leaders in high technology startups and established firms found that the traits of hope, optimism, and resiliency had a direct impact on transformational leadership, which directly impacted firm performance.

Growth Strategies

Three Principles That Will Help You (And Your Enterprise) Keep Moving Forward

What is it that keeps us going when life pulls us down?

Thought Leaders

10 Barriers Standing Between You and Owning a Ferrari

Let's determine what's possible and what you can achieve. The Ferrari talk is just a cool way to do it.

Making a Change

The Best 25 Motivational Quotes To Kick Start Every Morning

As an entrepreneur it is especially important that we remember to pay attention to our thoughts every day.


6鼓舞人心的名言,每个企业家商店雷竞技手机版uld Read

A true motivation for entrepreneurs to endeavor something bigger in life.


3 Things That Motivate You To Kick Start Your Mornings

Every morning you have 2 choices, continue to sleep with your dreams, or wake up and chase them.


4 Insanely Awesome Opportunities to Work Remotely from Abroad

Want to co-work in Barcelona, Prague, Seoul, Bali? Companies are waiting to take you there.

Making a Change

5 Motivation Blocks Hurting Your Success, and How to Transform Them

Is your life's glass half empty, or half full?


Do You Have It In You? Shiv Khera Reveals Most Important Skills Of A Successful Entrepreneur

Don't motivate an idiot, you'll have a motivated idiot! – Shiv Khera cracks up the audience.


Some Classic Lessons To Learn From Classic Novels

From Hamlet's procrastination to Gatsby's dubious morality, classical literature has a lot to teach young entrepreneurs.

Growth Strategies

International Business Etiquette Rules for Entrepreneurs

Some tips to remembers when you're on your next international business trip.

Making a Change

5 Ways to Remain Motivated and Focused on Kicking Ass

Did you even know that there are two very useful hours before 9 a.m.?