Yahoo's New Logo: Great New Look or Another Boring Design?Let us know what you think of the tech company's new logo design.

ByJason Fell

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.


The wait is finally over. Last night at midnight,Yahoounveiled itsnew logo. It was the culmination of a 30-day campaign to build anticipation for the newdesign, during which the company displayed a variation of the logo each day on its homepage.

It's a pretty big deal for Yahoo since it's the first time the company has updated its logo in --gasp-- 18 years. It also represents Yahoo chief executiveMarissa Mayer's visible mark on a company she's trying to revitalize. Whether or not the change is that dramatic or noteworthy is up for debate.

Mayer -- who recentlygot glammed upfor a feature spread inVoguemagazine -- officially announced the new logo last night on her Tumblr blog, calling it modern, fresh, and "whimsical, yet sophisticated." Mayer details some of the adjustments she and her design team made, like going with lines that have a slight curve and slightly tilting the exclamation point.

What do you think of Yahoo's new logo? Let us know in the poll below and check out the video Yahoo produced that animates the design notes.

Jason Fell

VP, Native Content

Jason Fell is the VP of Native Content, managing theEntrepreneur Partner Studio, which creates dynamic and compelling content for our partners. He previously served as's managing editor and as the technology editor prior to that.

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