Ginny Silver

Entrepreneur Leadership Network Contributor
Founder, California Entrepreneur Collective

Ginny Silver is the Founder of the California Entrepreneur Collective and a business coach who specializes in breaking down the process of growing a business into clear, actionable steps. As seen in Calmatters, KTVU, ABC, Yahoo, and 13M+ viewership on YouTube.


Growing a Business

I Was Broke, Unemployed and In Serious Debt During the Pandemic. Here are 6 Steps I Took to Make 6-Figures

Like many other small businesses, the pandemic lockdown caused me to close the doors of my successful business. Within one year, I went from unemployment and debt to earning multiple six figures. These steps I discovered transformed everything and how you can apply them to yourself.

Side Hustle

I Made $389,822 In One Year On YouTube. Here's How I Did It

Read along to find out how to build a multiple 6-figure earning Youtube channel by incorporating three different income streams into my YouTube channel and breaking through the income ceiling.
