Jocelyn Kung

CEO of The Kung Group

Jocelyn Kung is a leadership and organizational coach who has worked with many of the world's top technology companies including Apple, Oracle, Microsoft, Cisco, Juniper Networks and 23andMe.


Health & Wellness

4 Hidden Costs of Pandemic Fatigue in the Hybrid Workplace

The hybrid workforce will become the standard operating model. Good leaders will anticipate and address these four lingering effects of pandemic fatigue.


4 costos ocultos de la fatiga pandémica en el lugar de trabajo híbrido

La fuerza laboral híbrida se convertirá en el modelo operativo estándar. Los buenos líderes anticiparán y abordarán estos cuatro efectos persistentes de la fatiga pandémica.

Operations & Logistics

Will Employers Require Covid-19 Vaccines? 5 Tips for Constructing Company-Wide Policies.

As managers face potentially company-defining decisions regarding vaccines, it is imperative that you think through all potential scenarios in advance and construct policies now.


4 W限制性信念,伤害orkplace Relationships

Conflict and tension abounds. Building trusting, resilient relationships in the workplace has never been more critical.

Health & Wellness

Entrepreneurship Was Tough Before COVID-19. Now It's Testing Founders' Mental Limits.

As the pandemic continues, founders and CEOs are expected to prioritize their employees' wellbeing. But what about their own mental health? Here are five ways for leaders to stay sane.


Rise of the 5-Hour Workday: The Shift from "Hours" to "Output"

The 12-hour workday culture that has permeated Silicon Valley has been upended by the global health crisis. In its stead, a new culture is forming that values "output" over "hours" - and this new culture may be here to stay.

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