Jorge Rey

Director of Information Security and Compliance, Kaufman Rossin.

Jorge Rey is the director of information security and compliance at Kaufman Rossin. Recognized by theSouth Florida Business Journalas a top professional under the age of 40, he is responsible for managing and performing a variety of IT advisory engagements for companies in the financial services, healthcare, retail and technology industries. Rey, who helps organizations address information security, compliance and IT needs, is a certified information systems auditor (CISA) and certified information security manager (CISM), and is certified in the governance of rnterprise IT (CGEIT).


Science & Technology

Business Cyber Attacks Top 4,000 Per Day: Your Guide to Ransomware

Counsel your employees: Next time they encounter email claims that "payment is overdue" or your company is "in litigation," don't open any links!
