Lilia Stoyanov

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® VIP
CEO and Angel Investor at Transformify. Fintech Expert.Professor.

Lilia Stoyanov is a chief executive officer and angel investor at Transformify. A fintech and digital transformation expert, she is also a professor at Zigurat Business School and expert evaluator Horizon 2020 at the European Commission.



The Rise of Self-Employed in the Global Workforce and What Business Owners Need to Know

Exploring the pros and cons of hiring self-employed and freelancers across borders, the legal considerations, the correct classification of employees and independent contractors, and more.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

如何留住员工Impacted by Various Leadership Styles

As a business leader, how often do you ask yourself the question, ''What is my leadership style?' Chances are that your leadership style is more important to the success of the company than you think.

Resumes & Interviewing

6 Big Recruitment Challenges and Solutions You Need to Be on Your Radar

This is the year of the hybrid workforce as many companies encourage their teams to return to the office. However, HR teams face new challenges in hiring the right candidates to fit the new reality.

Science & Technology

What Do Vendor Management and Fintech Have in Common?

Although not obvious, fintech and vendor management often work in symbiosis which fuels revenue growth on both sides.

Growing a Business

One Secret to Achieving Revenue Growth and Profitability Fast Without VC Funding

It's all about business strategy.


Can Female Founders be Successful in Europe Without VC Funding?

Although not all founders have equal access to VC funding, there are plenty of entrepreneurs who succeed using alternative sources of funding or bootstrapping.

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