Lindsay Yaw Rogers

Entrepreneur Leadership Network Contributor
Founder of Raw Strategy

Lindsay Yaw Rogers is a brand story strategist and owner of Raw Strategy. She coaches entrepreneurs, athletes and business owners on how to leverage their personal and brand story to stand out, position themselves as a leader and inspire authentic relationships with their customers.



6 Ways Olympic Athletes Can Leverage Their Journey to Build a Profitable Brand

Post-event and post-career depression befalls the majority of athletes. Here's why, and what they can do to avoid a catastrophic fall from glory.


6 maneras en que los atletas olímpicos pueden aprovechar su viaje para construir una marca rentable

La depresión posterior al evento y posterior a la carrera afecta a la mayoría de los atletas. He aquí por qué y qué pueden hacer para evitar una caída catastrófica de la gloria.

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