Nickelodeon回来。3Things to Know Today.

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ByHayden Field

1. Everyone's favorite Nickelodeon shows from the '90s will soon be streamable. That's via a partnership between video aggregation platform VRV and Nickelodeon's NickSplat. There will be a rotating selection of nearly 30 series like All That, CatDog, Doug, Kenan & Kel and The Wild Thornberrys -- and there are reportedly more on the way.
2. Yahoo has been in and out of the headlines for its widespread data breaches. Even now, it looks like user data isn't private. That's because Yahoo and AOL -- which are both now owned by Verizon's Oath brand -- are mining users' emails for advertising keywords. That's something that many other email services, such as Google's Gmail, have stopped due to privacy implications.
3. Remember the story last year about the company offering implanted microchips to employees? They're still doing it, and about 80 workers have now opted in. The RFID chips enable employees to do things like log onto computers and purchase items at the cafeteria.

Hayden Field

Entrepreneur Staff

Associate Editor

Hayden Field is an associate editor at Entrepreneur. She covers technology, business and science. Her work has also appeared in Fortune Magazine, Mashable, Refinery29 and others.

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