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3 Tricks the Cofounder of Netflix Uses to Make Hard Decisions Easier

Marc Randolph knows entrepreneurs often face what feel like impossible or unknowable choices. Here are three methods he uses to cut through the noise, and find the best path forward.

This story appears in theMarch 2022issue of雷竞技手机版.Subscribe »

Everyone makes decisions. Butentrepreneurshave an especially challenging time of it because so often we must make decisions based on incomplete, inconclusive, and often contradictory data.

Viktor Koen

In my four-decade career as an entrepreneur, I have learned a few things about how to make those decisions, including the most important thing of all:Just make a decision. It may sound trite, but it's also just plain true. When so much feels like it's on the line, it's easy to become paralyzed, unable to choose which direction to take. But even a wrong decision is better than no decision because at the very least, by implementing a wrong decision you'll learn a little more about the problem you're trying to solve, making it easier to know which way to go next time.

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