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3 Ways to Use Instagram Stories to Boost Your Brand

With Stories disappearing after 24 hours, they become your chance to experiment with different creative content.

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More than 500 million people use Instagram Stories every day. As a brand, this gives you an opportunity to reach and regularly engage with a mass audience. In fact, over a third of the most viewed stories come directly from brands. With Stories disappearing after 24 hours, they become your chance to experiment with different creative content. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

1. Get discovered.

Hashtags and geotags tags can help you become discoverable to your target audience. Adding these to appropriate stories on your account can help increase your number of followers while focusing on earning quality customers.

2. Create engaging content.

Instagram Stories are viewed vertically and use your entire screen. There are many features specific to Stories that are not available for Feed Posts. Learning the various features available and experimenting with them across your content can be a creative way to differentiate your brand from your competition. Try using the Poll feature to get feedback on business decisions such as what new product you may want to create since your customers can provide you with direct feedback.

3. Monitor your performance.

By understanding the analytics provided in Instagram, you can track the success of your Stories. Paying close attention to your view completion rate (what percentage of viewers watched the next Story in a sequence of multiple stories) is a key metric in understanding your performance. This will help you understand what type of content works best for you and improve it going forward.

Need some help with this, or have other social media or digital marketing questions? Book a consulting session with me on Entrepreneur'sAsk an Expertplatform. My schedule is always up to date, and you can even record the meeting if you'd like. Hope to speak with you soon, and have fun with your Instagram Stories!

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