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Encore Performance

Practice makes perfect, but can it bring success in the world of dotcoms?

This story appears in theJune 2001issue of雷竞技手机版.Subscribe »

For every dotcom filing Chapter 11 or laying off employees in packs of 20, a few newcomers arrive on the scene. Will they ever learn, you ask? Well, they think they have. And with Internet start-ups to thank for past wages, many are that much higher on the learning curve.

"We're not blinded," says Manvinder Saraon, co-founder and CEO of Palo Alto, California, media darling (everyone from CNN toInStylehas touted the venture) Inc., an online community sharing gift ideas in an array of categories. "After the Nasdaq market crash last March, people thought it would be time to quit, but we're a close-knit group that's passionate about this project," says Saraon, 37. "And we're very realistic about the opportunity."

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