Business Process Management


4 Subscription Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

There are a lot of components that go into building a subscription business — but taking care to avoid these common marketing pitfalls is an important step to laying the foundation for a successful brand fueled by customer retention and engagement.

Starting a Business

Is Your Small Business Adequately Insured? Many Owners Don't Know

Every small business needs an insurance to protect itself against unprecedented events. However, many small business owners often neglect the importance of having an insurance.

Growing a Business

How Convenience Is Marking a New Wave in the Service Industry

Now is the time to analyze if your business processes are convenient to your customer, and what needs to be done to bring more ease-of-use.

Growth Strategies

How to Lead Through Tough Times, and Bounce Back Stronger Than Ever

We spoke to several successful entrepreneurs on what it takes to navigate through rough seas, some practices that could help get you through it, and how to get to the other side of this pandemic relatively unharmed

Starting a Business

Process Excellence and Customer Satisfaction: Can Disruptors Have Both?

Focusing on process excellence is essential to performance, but it also has the potential to shift the central vision of a company away from the customer. Read how you can simultaneously achieve process excellence and customer satisfaction.


4 Ways Business Process Management Solutions Can Transform Big Banks

Despite the finance sector's rapid rate of change, the cost of non-compliance is colossal, and there's no question that financial institutions need to change their relationship with compliance

Growth Strategies

Business Process Quality & Balanced Scorecard

In order to create a successful enterprise, business needs to be pay attention to, and work to develop all key business units


为什么人工智能可以帮助实现完整的该服务l Transformation for Enterprises?

PwC predicts that AI will total up to $15.7 trillion to global GDP annually by the year 2030

News and Trends

Here's What You Can Expect Out Of Business Process Management in 2018

Business Process Management has been and will continue to be crucial to any organization's digital transformation in 2018