Alex Gold

Entrepreneur Leadership Network Contributor
Founder & General Partner, Harvest Venture Partners

Alex Gold is the founder and general partner of Harvest Venture Partners, an early-stage venture firm building breakthrough financial-technology businesses. Previously, Gold was the co-founder and chief marketing officer at Myia Health and Venture Partner at BCG Digital Ventures.

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Business News

2 Harsh Experiences Convinced Me Never to Invest in Friends' Companies

How do you avoid the drama-filled minefield that can result when a friend pressures you for financial support? Try these 4 responses.

Resumes & Interviewing

That 'Bad' Interviewee You Just Talked to May Be the Perfect Match for Your Job Opening

The 'pattern matching' that companies have long used to find the right candidate isn't always the best strategy.


When Pitching Investors, Your Product Doesn't Matter (as Much as You Think)

Ever considered upping your storytelling game? That's actually something as important to investors as your product.


This Is the Only Reliable Way to Get Valuable Investor Intros

Expanding your network is the only way you'll meet the investors you need to grow your business.

Money & Finance

How to Keep Your Company Afloat When Investors Pull Out Just Before Closing

如果不能正确处理,this situation can be the end for your company.

Buying / Investing in Business

To Attract Investors, Let Them All Be the 'Last One In'

Raise smaller mini-rounds in close succession rather than one large equity round.