Entrepreneur magazine
January 1998

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January 1998

Entrepreneur | January 1998
January 1998
Entrepreneur Magazine

For Sale By Owner

Getting the most for the business you built.

Have Some Respect

When age is not an obstable.

What's Your Damage?

News for entrepreneurs on the go.

Quality Assurance

Stay ahead of the pack with ISO certification.

Entrepreneur magazine

Subscribe Today

Keep up with emerging trends, industry leaders, and strategies for success from the comfort of your own home or on the go with a print and digital magazine subscription.

Coin Toss

Be the first to know.

Happiness Is...

We're getting richer, but we're not getting happier.

Presentation Pizzazz

Macintosh programs to make your presentations shine.


What's hot on the World Wide Web

Buy The Way

The latest in modern technology.

Get A Clue

Unravel the mysteries of 1998's hottest franchising trends.

The Big Chill

The brothers behind Yogun Fruz turn up the heat on a cool concept.

Check It Out

How to be a crack gumshoe when investigating a franchise.

Stop, Thief!

Protecting your invention from copycats and crooks.

Scaling The Wal

Is Wal-Mart on your wish list? Here's how to do business with the nation's largest retailer.

Sky's The Limit

EarthLink's founder tells how he found his fortune on the Net - and how you can, too.

Cost And Effect

What's the real price of doing business? Dun & Bradstreet and Entrepreneur find out in a new exclusive survey.

Working On Welfare

Small business explores the challenge of hiring welfare recipients.

On The Money

Our experts solve your start-up problems.

Smart Picks Part I

10 top businesses for 1998.

Hole In One

Profit from: minidoughnuts and music kiosks.

Where Credit's Due

Instant start-up kit, meet your mentor.

The Perfect Pitch

7 tips for writing dynamic sales letters

Lease Is More

Save money by leasing, price your product to sell.


Where to go when you can't do it all.

Planning Ahead

Create your blueprint for success with business plan software.


Think it's harmless to copy those newsletter articles for your files? Think again.

Buy Design

How to license your clothing concepts.

Joe To Go

Drive-thru coffeehouses are hyping sales in the java industry.


Internet Registration For Subcontractors.

Playing It Safe

Congress' proposed SAFE Act may shelter small businesses from OSHA.

On The Flip Side

Savvy ideas to boost sales.


What are your competitors up to? Here are five ways to find out.

Ready Or Not?

Want to make sales calls that leave an impression? Prepare yourself.

Voice Lessons

Talk up your marketing efforts with a strong voice-messaging system.

Opening Act

If your headline falls flat, your audience may not stick around for the whole show.

High Anxiety

Dealing with the mental health of your employees.

Squeaky Clean

Tips and trends for growing your business.

Magic Moment

Veteran business owners share their entrepreneurial turning points.

Can We Talk?

Speaking up about the value of dialogue.

Brotherly Love?

Minimize sibling rivalry before it hurts your business.

In The Stars


Work In Progress

美国国税局正在建设中,小生意is ready for the change.

Heaven Sent

Seeking an angel investor? Here's how to find a match made in heaven.

Security System

If inflation rises, this fund could be a safe bet for conservative investors.

High Finance

Financial management stock takes advantage of a growing industry.

Making The List

Money-management strategies.

Here's The Skinny

Flat-panel computer monitors could be the solution to your desk-space problem.

Got It Covered?

Don't forget about protecting your computer equipment when buying insurance.

Sit, Lulu, Sit!

Furniture even a dog could love.

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