Entrepreneur magazine
September 2007

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September 2007

Entrepreneur | September 2007
September 2007
Entrepreneur Magazine

Ready, Set, Connect

The best new software is all about integration, so get ready to take your business to a higher level of connectivity.

Come on, Defense!

Keep your site secure and your customers happy.

Alumni News

Corresponding with former employees keeps doors open.

Rave Reviews

Automation can earn you two thumbs up at employee evaluation time.

Entrepreneur magazine

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Keep It Clean

With the recent rash of tainted imports, how can you be sure your goods are safe? Being vigilant is your best antidote.

Fair Pay

Think interns mean free labor? Think again.

Piece of the Pie

After finding success, this entrepreneur is sharing his wisdom with struggling startups.

Good Food on the Fly

Ditch the burger and try these tasty, healthy eats.

Stop, Thief!

These security options keep your car in its parking spot.

Get in Gear

Chet Holmes will have you churning out sales in no time.

A New Direction

Life may be different, but your friends still matter.

Girl Power

Young women learn what it takes to start a business.

All They Need

Blackberry users can't get enough of their games.

I Spy a Secret

Got a skeleton in your closet? Bring it out before seeking VC.

Green Scene

Chicago's new business center is all about doing some good.

On the Rise

Employment and salaries continue to grow.

Eat and Be Merry

Eatertainment venues combine fun, food and games.

Zero Balance

How to get paid when exporting to China.


Say hello to a better way of firing problem employees.

The Art of Execution

Defining your goals is only half the battle; here's how to get them accomplished.

Play Nice

Forget cutthroat--what you need is a little sugar and spice.

New Bank in Town

The recent boom in community banks could mean better lending options for you.

Tuned In

Alpha moms know what's hot in parenting--and they could be your best marketers.

Bring It Home

U.S. manufacturing is making a comeback, and with high-quality products and fast delivery, it's beating out overseas competition.

Tech Check

Your business is growing, but is your technology keeping up?

How to Make Millions

Whether you want to buy a franchise or do it yourself, check out 7 hot markets that can make you a millionaire.

Getting Schooled

Boost your sales by learning from experienced eBay sellers.

All Together Now

Interdisciplinary programs let you realize your entrepreneurial dreams, whatever your major may be.

Jam Session

A band of entrepreneurs is changing the way people listen to music.

And the Winner Is...

Business plan contests offer more than money

Hook, Line and Sinker

How three entrepreneurs snagged their first clients.

Keeping Order

Rescuing offices in disarray is big business for professional organizers.

Tea for Two

The best way to market a unique beverage? Let customers taste it for themselves.

Pay the Piper?

Paying bloggers to review your product could lead to fame--or shame.

Asking for it

When negotiating, questions are critical to your success.

As Seen on TV

Offering more ways to reach your target audience for less cash, TV advertising isn't just for the big boys anymore.

Take a Swing

The only way to hit it over the fence is to believe that you can.

In the Loop

Make sure you--and your gadgets--know what's going on.

Town or Country?

Phone taxes meant to help rural areas may not be doing their job.

Staying in Sync

Keep yourself connected with these 3 methods.

Speak up!

Linking to the internet community by phone lets you say your piece.

Watch and Burn

The ultimate write-off? A high-capacity HD or Blu-ray DVD burner.

Set your Sites

Looking for a redesign with some flash?

Make Your Mark

3 simple ways to make your online enterprise a standout.

What's the 411?

New information numbers tell you more than ever.

Room for a View

有这么多的功能适合过紧er spaces, small computing now offers big possibilities.

Ask a Silly Question.

These entrepreneurs didn't just get a good answer--they started a phenomenon.

Cultural Club

Use ethnic holidays to attract new customers.

Lead the Way

In the Information Age, customers want to hear you say more about your product and what it can do for them.

Shut Up and Listen

Being a successful entrepreneur means knowing when it's best to let others do the talking.

Mineral Miracle

The salt of the earth was a natural niche for one curious couple.

Bundle of Joy

Here's one entrepreneur's idea for a one-stop shop for baby gifts and bouquets for new moms.

Lair Necessities

Supplying dorm dwellers with just the basics is earning high marks for this pair of college students.

Majority Rules

As company leader, it's up to you to lay down the law.

Way to Give

Franchises reward individuals and focus on promoting the greater good.

The Color of Money

投资于绿色技术有利于环境t--and for your portfolio.

Wrap It Up

With a new rule that holds brokers to the same standards as financial planners, the wrap-account romance may be coming to an end.

Fee Relief?

With every swipe, credit card companies are demanding more from merchants.

Roth Redux

A new act raises the ban off of Roth IRAs.

Easy Does It

Life cycle funds make retirement investing simple.

Acquired Taste

Who says you have to build your company from the ground up? A solid acquisition strategy could be a recipe for faster, more profitable growth.

Suit Yourself

Protect your company from employee lawsuits.

To Catch a Thief

Employee fraud hits growing businesses hardest. Here's what you can do to make sure there's not a thief among you.

So Long, Big Guys

A handbag designer boosts profits--and its image--by shunning mass retail distribution.

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