Entrepreneur magazine
April 2009

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April 2009

Entrepreneur | April 2009
April 2009
Entrepreneur Magazine

The Best Places for Entrepreneurs to Learn

Taking stock of the best places for entrepreneurs to learn.

Franchisee Buys Chain's First Restaurant

His customers build their own burgers as he builds his burger biz.

Time is on Your Side

Use these 4 tips to kickstart your momentum.

How to Sell Your College Business

The big questions are: When? How? To whom? For how much?

Entrepreneur magazine

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Laid Off? Check Here

If you're looking to get off the ground, these are the first steps.

Carpool Websites Are Booming

To save money, riders and drivers are looking for each other.

A Better Model of Fitness

This entrepreneur changed the way fitness centers operate.

Know How Your VC Gets Paid

The bear market brings several implications for startups looking for funding.

YouCanStart a Restaurant in a Down Economy

In an industry so unforgiving, what's the recipe for starting a restaurant in a recession?

Get Out Now

A new book shows you how to escape cubicle nation.

Best Resources for Startups

Here's an insider's guide to 4 of the best startup resources.

10 Tax Breaks Entrepreneurs Wish Existed

These proposed deductions would make taxes a lot more fun.

Are Your Employees Comfortable?

They spend one-third of their time at the office. Is the environment worthy?

Business Students Speak Out

The Princeton Review asked students for their opinion on how well their business school is preparing them in six core business competencies.

Set the Model for Office Behavior

Even seemingly trivial acts of incivility can lead to reduced employee productivity and loyalty.

Sell Value, Not Price

Find the price point that covers your costs and provides a profit margin.

Has Mobility Become a Must?

If our scenarios apply to you, you probably need more mobility.

BlackBerry Creates a Storm

它有一个新的touchscreen and a few kinks, but the Storm has people excited.

Beyond Display Ads

Display ads are so yesterday, but what are the alternatives? We've got 'em.

Next-Gen Wi-Fi Is Here

It might be time to upgrade, if you answer yes to any of these questions.

Do Netbooks Deliver?

Here's how netbooks measure up to their notebook predecessors.

10 Sectors Poised for Growth

It sounds like a joke, given all the news, but some sectors are growing.

Return of the Stay-at-Home Parents

雇主们拥抱父母了a stay-at-home detour.

10 Must-Click Websites

Surfing the web for top-notch research and advice to help your business grow? Save some time with these information-rich websites.

Just for Kicks

How the kings of funny keep people laughing--and coming back.

Best Charge Cards for Business Travelers

Use corporate credit to your advantage when you're on the road.

How to Interview for Integrity

Background checks are great, but skilled interviewing is even more essential.

Run a Charity Like You Run a Business

The tenets of Biz 101 still apply, even if it's non-profit.

Beware the Arrogant Venture Capitalist

Their weaknesses may vary , but there's typically a common characteristic not-great venture capitalists share: arrogance.

When to Lower Your Price Point

You'll pay the price if you swing the wrong way when navigating the price point waters.

Diversify to Minimize Risk

Maintaining a diverse portfolio helps to insure both you and your investment portfolio will live to fight another day.

Webcams Gone Creative

These four companies are leveraging the power of streaming video footage--and so can you.

Tune in to the Social Channel

Social networking is moving to the TV. Are you ready?

The Psychology of Stress

You've managed to keep your business afloat, but how are you managing the stress?


10 Potentially Sticky Work Situations and How to Manage Them.

How to Use Humor in Marketing

Humor can lead to a marketing grand slam--as long as it's done right.

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