Change Management

Business Process

Why Businesses Need to Diversify Everything Right Now

Diversification, when done correctly, can grant a business a certain relief when it comes to withstanding crises and global financial and professional turmoil. As tough as diversifying may be, every leader who is averting their eyes off it is exposing their team and business to risks, especially with the global market changing rapidly.

Operations & Logistics

3 Key Signs of Change on the Horizon

Entrepreneurs and small business owners know how to embrace change and identify trends in their customer base sooner, which typically become indicative of the global marketplace in general. This allows small business leaders to be more agile and adjustment to meet the current state of business.


3 Ways Change Leaders Prevent, Minimize and Manage (or Create) Resistance to Change

If leaders don't handle the change process effectively, it will likely turn into a how-to-create-resistance 101 guide.

Making a Change

3 Tips for Implementing Change During These Challenging Times

Change is inevitable. Businesses must prepare for the change strategically to serve their employees and company well.

Growing a Business

What Stops Organizational Change From Sticking, And How to Change That

Change consistently breeds organizational anxiety. Instead of fighting this resistance, you need to learn how to embrace it.

Making a Change

Debunked: The Myth That 70 Percent of Change Initiatives Fail

这个神话has kept leaders frozen with fear at the prospect of change.

Business Plans

Why Corporate Change Management Often Fails (Hint: It's Not the People)

Four key infrastructure components must be addressed in order for change to take hold and last.


Good Managers Coax Change

Some things can't be forced.

Growth Strategies

Ten Key Pitfalls To Avoid During The Digital Transformation Process

The impact of digital transformation is unavoidable- it's simply a matter of when and how.

Growth Strategies

Why Your Enterprise Should Aim For Transformation, And Not Change

Transformation creates attractive futures, while change mends the past.


Unsure Where to Begin Improving Your Company? Start With Candor.

Rather than wishing the game known as office politics didn't exist, change the game altogether.

Growth Strategies

Five Company Types That Should Transform ASAP (Is Your Enterprise One Of Them?)

Many companies struggle to successfully transform and future-proof their business in a digital-first world.


Managing Change For HR Leaders and Managers

A probable HR Leader is the one who perceives the iceberg before the rest of the team members witness it and instils confidence in others to deal with forthcoming glitches

Making a Change

Your Brain Doesn't Want to Change: 5 Ways to Make It

Change is always awkward at first, but it gets easier with practice.

Growth Strategies

10 Ways Organisations can Work On Change Management!

'Change' is a process, and it involves ideas, thoughts, processes and systems that are understood and driven by people within a given framework.