Ideas: Page 10

News and Trends

Co-working: A cost-effective, New-age Concept of Networking

The industry is growing everyday as more people strike out on their own to freelance or open their own businesses

Growing a Business

How to Sell an Idea to Your Boss (Infographic)

Check out these tips and tricks for pitching up the chain of command.


Capturing Eyeballs of Investors With Ingenious Ideas

The start-ups were from a broad spectrum of sectors, including education, FMCG, retail, consultancy, technology and finance.

Business Ideas

Use This Trick to Quickly Come Up With 10 Great Business Ideas

Gather everyone you know, and let the idea flow begin.


Dos and Don'ts for Entrepreneurs Under 25

It's better to make mistakes and correct them with the feedback of 100 people, and not by blasting your brain just by yourself


How to Turn Your Idea Into a Movement

Entrepreneur Network partner Kelsey Humphreys sits down with the 'OolaGuys' to find out how other authors, coaches and speakers can turn their ideas into movements.


Bestselling Author Malcolm Gladwell on Why You Have to Take Your Curiosity Seriously

The thought leader also shares his advice for how to best communicate your vision.

Growth Strategies

Why Companies Need Innovation Officers?

"Communication is Innovation because without good communication it's just a bunch of ideas."


Why Mark Zuckerberg Recently Warned Entrepreneurs Against Chasing 'Eureka!' Moments

Just because you like an idea doesn't mean anyone else does.Follow these three steps to make sure your product will fly.


Why Ideas Are an Entrepreneur's Most Valuable Currency

One freelance writer explains how to break through in your own market.


Is Every Idea an Intellectual Property?

Ideas are worthless unless you turn them into your IP by adding up intellectuality blended with creativity

Growth Strategies

How Diversity At Work Can Change The World

It's like having the 6 Thinking Hats concept applied everyday to everything


#6 Ways Banks are Making the Life of a Start-up Easy

Giving start-ups a preference and realizing their ever-growing financial needs, banks have opened up branches that deal specifically with start-ups


#8 Tips for Entrepreneurs To Come Up With Great Ideas

Your mind is always going to be the battleground for a lot of ideas before they move to phase 2 of reality.

Business Ideas

The Most Brilliant Business Ideas

Check out some of our favorites from Entrepreneur's 'Brilliant Ideas' series in the magazine.