Amanda Breen

Entrepreneur Staff
Features Writer

Amanda Breen is a features writer at She is a graduate of Barnard College and recently completed the MFA in writing at Columbia University, where she was a news fellow for the School of the Arts during the 2020-2021 academic year.

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Business News

芒格(Charlie Munger)猛烈抨击“愚蠢”and 'Evil' Bitcoin, Says Communist China's Leader Was Right to Ban It

During Berkshire Hathaway's annual shareholders meeting, Munger and Warren Buffett ripped into the cryptocurrency.

Iniciar un negocio

17 negocios extrañamente brillantes que te ayudarán a enamorarte, vengarte y más

En honor a la Semana Nacional de la Pequeña Empresa, echa un vistazo a esta selección de empresas extrañamente creativas que podrían inspirarte a comenzar la tuya propia.

Thought Leaders

17 Bizarrely Brilliant Businesses That Will Help You Fall in Love, Get Revenge and More

In honor of National Small Business Week, check out this selection of strangely creative ventures that might just inspire you to start your own.

Business News

Brutal Month for Netflix Ends With Anger: 'Netflix Recruited Me Seven Months Ago Only to Lay Me Off'

It remains to be seen if the streaming giant will initiate another round of layoffs or drill down on other ways to cut costs.


Mes brutal para Netflix termina con ira: 'Netflix me reclutó hace siete meses solo para despedirme'

Queda por ver si el gigante de la transmisión iniciará otra ronda de despidos o profundizará en otras formas de reducir costos.

Business News

Say Goodbye to the Genius Bar: Your Apple Product Repairs Could Look a Lot Different From Now On

Apple's new self-service option comes as a major victory for 'right to repair' advocates.