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The Hidden Dangers of Not Taking Your Vacation Days

American workers' reluctance to use vacation time is turning into a crisis.

learn more about Ryan Droste

ByRyan DrosteOriginally published

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

For many Americans, working withoutvacation time已经成为了习惯。然而,即使工人甲型肝炎e paid time off, they often find it difficult to pull the trigger and step away from work. Why the guilt?

A decision to not usevacation dayscould end up being one that a worker majorly regrets. Depending on their career, American workers often receive zero compensation for unused PTO days should they change jobs. Instead of using uppaid time offthat was granted to them as a benefit upon hire, workers often end up having to relinquish those unused days without anything to show for it.

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