Customer Service - Page: 10

Creating a Community with Relatability and Reliability

When it comes to addiction and mental health counseling, the responsibilities go far beyond running a successful business.

Emily Washcovick

Emily Washcovick

As A Business, Here's Why You Need To Focus On Yourself (And Not On Your Competition)

If you put more effort and do your best to give your brand a unique service offering, you can do a much better job handling competition and achieving solid customer retention.

Tariq Chauhan

Tariq Chauhan

Why Alignment Between CX, Marketing and Insights Is Critical to Creating Ongoing Customer Relationships

作为一个brand, you're only as good as your last customer interaction.

Andrew Reid

Andrew Reid

Why World-Class Customer Experience Will Be One of the Most Important Aspects of Your Business

With smarter consumers comes higher demand for truly exceptional experiences, and this is how you can provide them.

Dr. Steven Ghim

Dr. Steven Ghim

Striking the Perfect Balance: Cultural Integrity and Customer Expectations

Maintaining cultural integrity while meeting customer expectations is not easy - it takes work and dedication. Learn how you can strike the balance in this week's episode.

Emily Washcovick

Emily Washcovick

If You're Not Looking at These 3 Things, You're Not Optimizing Sales

Although sales has traditionally been a face-to-face exchange, technology and data allow sales teams to make better decisions in a post-pandemic reality.

Mark Thacker

Mark Thacker

This Is What People Want in a Post-Pandemic Restaurant Experience

Declining Covid-19 cases and expanding vaccination efforts offer a glimmer of hope for the industry's comeback, but restaurants hoping to win over new patrons should keep safety top of mind.

Reconnecting With Customers in A Post-Pandemic World

How to reset your strategy when it comes to everyone you depend on.

Anthony Smith

Anthony Smith

Customer Centricity: What It Is, Why It Matters and How to Improve Yours

Haven't thought about it before? Now's the time to learn all you can.

Lucas Miller

Lucas Miller

This Cake Traveled 1,500 Miles, and Is A Powerful Lesson In Customer Service

Great customer service can transform ordinary moments into special experiences. Take notes from this supermarket.

Jason Feifer

Jason Feifer

We Set The Temperature, We Don't Adjust To It

Anticipating diverse customer needs takes thought, intention and mindfulness and it's not something that comes without work.

Emily Washcovick

Emily Washcovick

How to Keep Your Business Open 24/7 Without Having Anyone Working All Those Hours

Customers expect access to you any time of day. These tips can help you pay attention at all times without burning the candle at both ends.

Jill Schiefelbein

Jill Schiefelbein