Customer Service - Page: 9

21 Strategies for Providing Top-Notch Customer Service on Etsy

Good customer service requires more than just saying 'thank you' to your online customers.

Will Computer Vision Make Human Workers Obsolete?

In the 1950s, Alan Turing wondered if machines could think like humans. Now, it's a reality -- one that increasingly defines the way we live and work.

Ariel Shapira

Ariel Shapira

5 Ways to Harness the Power of Community to Grow Your Business

There's strength in numbers -- here's how to use it to your business's advantage.

Dasha Kroshkina

Dasha Kroshkina

This Is the World's Oldest Recorded Customer Complaint

It was written 3,000 years ago. Nothing's changed.

Gene Marks

Gene Marks

A Business Built on a Foundation of Value and Trust

Tim Lo, co-founder of career counseling service, Your Next Jump, knows that developing trust, right off the bat, is essential and his entire business is built off of that foundation.

Emily Washcovick

Emily Washcovick

4 Surprisingly Simple Ways To Stand Out From Your Competition

The most effective and practical methods may be hidden right in front of you.

Matt Fore

Matt Fore

Will a Chatbot Really Save Your Company Money?

It may be unwise to rely solely on automation.

Douglas Crowe

Douglas Crowe

How to Keep Loyal Customers (and Annoyed Customers) Coming Back for More

The art of acquiring, and holding onto, the repeat customer.

Sheryl Mays

Sheryl Mays

Creating a Community with Relatability and Reliability

When it comes to addiction and mental health counseling, the responsibilities go far beyond running a successful business.

Emily Washcovick

Emily Washcovick

As A Business, Here's Why You Need To Focus On Yourself (And Not On Your Competition)

If you put more effort and do your best to give your brand a unique service offering, you can do a much better job handling competition and achieving solid customer retention.

Tariq Chauhan

Tariq Chauhan

Why Alignment Between CX, Marketing and Insights Is Critical to Creating Ongoing Customer Relationships

作为一个brand, you're only as good as your last customer interaction.

Andrew Reid

Andrew Reid

Why World-Class Customer Experience Will Be One of the Most Important Aspects of Your Business

With smarter consumers comes higher demand for truly exceptional experiences, and this is how you can provide them.

Dr. Steven Ghim

Dr. Steven Ghim