
Thought Leaders

These 4 Mindsets Will Help You Rise to Leadership Working with a Disability

Bring your overcomer's attitude to the table and boost your career.


You Might Reconsider That Team Meeting When You Find Out How Much it Really Costs

This CEO assessed the productivity and hourly wage costs of constant meetings, proposed something radical and the payoffs were remarkable.


How to Respectively Decline Employees' Suggestions Without Hurting their Morale

Knowing how to respectfully decline your employees' suggestions without hurting their morale goes a long way in building a progressing working culture.


8 Reasons You Should Give Your Employees More Control

Employees don't want to constantly be told what to do. Here are a few reasons why you should give them more freedom.


The Biggest Obstacle Facing Leaders Is Distrust. Here's How to Build Confidence in Your Team.

Trusting others can be difficult when it comes to something as important as your business, but the cost of distrust is far too high.


How The Best Executives Show Leadership in Times of Uncertainty

Here are a few ways that executives can provide supportive leadership in challenging times.


An Asynchronous Workforce Is The Future. Are You Ready For It?

The benefit of "remote work" is that it should enable greater freedom and flexibility — yet for many, it's led to be even more inundated with communications, back-to-back meetings and extended working hours. To realize the potential of remote work as a path to greater productivity and freedom, we need to move toward asynchronous work. Here's how to do it.


耐心是一个关键的领导技能——布鲁里溃疡t You Don't Want to Be a Pushover. Here's How to Balance It.

Leaders must find the balance between extending too much patience and too little to create a supportive, productive and safe workplace.


What Quiet Quitting Says About Your Leadership and How to Handle It

Learn how quiet quitting can be prevented by taking the right steps as a leader.


The 5 Secrets of a Validating Apology

Effective leaders encourage vulnerability and promote the use of validating apologies to resolve issues with and among their team members and to preserve their brand and reputation.


Why Applying Constant Pressure on Yourself Can Significantly Improve Your Productivity and Success

Though we try to avoid feeling under pressure, learning to utilize it effectively can turn it into your greatest weapon.


Focus on These 5 Traits to Help You Stand Out as a Leader

Some people believe leaders are born while others assume leadership can be obtained — regardless of which group you belong to, there are certain traits that will surely land you on this year's top leaders list.


The 3 C's That Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Can Teach Us Today To Advance Workplace Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

What can Martin Luther King Jr. teach us today — even in the face of resistance? Entrepreneurs can use what I call the "three C's" — guiding principles Dr. King lived by which can assist us in our work toward diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).


3 Steps to Create a Leadership Development Framework

Instead of guessing the best training for your organization, do training that supports your leadership framework. Build your framework by following the general guidelines below.


How to Cultivate Emotional Intelligence as a Strategic Leader

The benefits of emotional intelligence in the workplace and how to develop it to enhance your leadership skills and business strategy.